
My name is Christine, and I have been teaching Yoga for most of my life – that is for 40plus years, and I am still very happy to do so.

Mostly I teach Yin Yoga, and Gentle Flow Yoga for Women, including Yoga Nidra and Breathwork. My approach is coloured by Advaita Vedanta, Raja Yoga, and various forms of mindfulness meditation. We, as women, very often need a different approach into the wisdom of yoga than men do. I feel we need a way that honours our cycles and rhythms.

I am also find deep joy in coaching women on their individual path to accompany them into their deepest Truth, into the Love that provides sovereignity and strength. In addition, I  have specialized in Yoga Teacher’s Trainings as individual trainings, and I also love to coach yoga teachers on their path.

I am happy to announce that i will also be spending this winter at the feet of my beloved mountain Arunachala, home of Ramana Mahrishi and the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, taking time for my Self.

My books and Audio Programs

I have published several books on Yoga and Meditation, as well as various Audio CDs.

If you can read German, you are more than welcome to dive into the contents I offer. If you don’t, I have recorded a  really beautiful Yoga Nidra CD

/MP3 DEEP PEACE (english version), inspired by the tradition of Advaita Vedanta.

Here’s the Download Link Deep Peace, MP3-Download von Ranzinger, Christine – Syntropia Buchversand

If you enjoy listening to background music during your yoga practice and/or listen to mantras to uplift your spirits, I also have something in store for you 

Shakti Musik, MP3-Download von Ranzinger, Christine – Syntropia Buchversand

Re-Connect, MP3-Download von Ranzinger, Christine – Syntropia Buchversand

On the German Media/Audio part of this Website, you can find various sound samples

Individual Yoga Sessions – online and in person

All of my online and offline coachings are tailored to your individual needs and  about voicing your own truth and coming home to yourself.

I am still startled how close we can get connecting online 🙂

My offers include

– enhancing fertility;  harmonizing female cycles and menopause; full moon circles
– grief work (grief comes when what we imagine our life to be like is not in sync with what we wish for)
– de-stress (find your own individual rhythm), using e.g. a Personalized Yoga Nidra Session

 And I am so happy to welcome you in my inner circle.

Let’s connect. And live from the Wisdom of our Heart.

From heart to Heart

With Love


Christine Ranzinger

I am happy to say that I cannot imagine a life without Yoga.
For me, there is only one Yoga, and the various approaches are the pathways into That.

For me, yoga is a way of living, on and off the mat or the cushion. I have been on the path of yoga and meditation for almost 40 years now, and I am happy to have met many wonderful teachers on the way. My heartfelt gratitude goes to all of them, a few I would love to mention: Adelheid Ohlig (Women’s (Luna) Yoga), Elisabeth Haich (Hatha and Raja Yoga), Mantak Chia (Tao Yoga), Sarah Powers (Yin Yoga), Gauri Devi (Hatha Yoga), Ajahn Buddhadasa (Meditation), Gangaji & Eli as well as Ramana (Advaita)…

I am happy to have written a few books on the yoga topics I teach, and I hope they will be translated into English soon. I am happy to have the luxury of traveling to India and South East Asia during winter, and I would be happy to meet you there.

For me, yoga is about re-connecting with our inner Source, to the vibrant Silence within.

For this I use the methods of Yin Yoga (long-held yoga poses, preparing for Meditation and stimulating Meridian Energy), Yoga Nidra (conscious relaxation which goes also as a form of tantric meditation), Raj Yoga (soul consciousness), Hatha and Yin Yang Yoga (preparing body and mind for Awareness). I also like to teach Women’s Yoga Retreats to awake the Shakti Power and Goddess within. Women’s Yoga (as I teach it) includes techniques to enhance fertility and relieving menopause symptoms.

By using physical awareness, we can understand that we are so much more than our physical body and our think-feeling mind. No matter, what methods are used: Yoga is always about re-connecting with the vibrant, open space that we carry within and that we are, and by getting in touch with our deepest longing, we can find the path in our life that we are made for, and through the filter of our personality, shine as the light that we are.

Christine Ranzinger
Christine Ranzinger

Womens‘ Yoga

Due to the rhythms and cycles of our lives, we, as women  need, in many ways, another approach into Yoga. A nourishing approach that honours our cycles. By cycles I mean our menstrual cycles, pregnancy,  menopause and beyond. We need a space that allows us to rest, and to be held from within, to feel and experience ourselves as the Goddess that we trully are. My Yoga Retreats and indivdual online guidance for Women create, or re-discover this Space, from inside out, from outside in.

This also may include inviting a new – human – soul into our womb – I teach various methods that can help women to conceive, and also get in touch with the purpose our Soul has come for; to alighn our purpose with the life we live

Enter Silence

… and know that you are always Home. Your body can travel to the most hidden corner of the Earth, your words may travel through sound waves, paper and techniques, but YOU cannot go anywhere: YOU are always HOME, YOU ARE ALWAYS HERE AND NOW. OM SHANTI.

Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra

In our lives yang energy seems to be dominant – taking a certain action to reach a goal. Whereas in the yin aproach we yield and relax into life – into a state of being – as it is. Both qualities are so necessary, and  Yin Yoga can offer us  a wise fusion of traditional Yoga and Chinese Medicine. It works like a acupuncture treatment that we do not need needles for. By fascial stretches we harmonize the Meridian System, keep our bodies flexible and young, and have one of the best ways to prepare for Meditation. My approach includes elements of Gentle and Female Yoga as well as Isometric Muscle Work to balance the long-held stretches.

In my Yang Yoga classes ways of strengthening the muscles are included.

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is a conscious relaxation technique as well as a tantric meditation, and it is a wonderful way to become aware of the koshas, the the veils that sometimes hide our shining core, e.g. our thought patterns and resulting emotions. Yoga Nidra can help us to meet and greet everything that comes into our thoughts and into our lives,  as a signal to come home within ourselves.